Happy Valentines Day 5B!
Hello Families!
I hope you had a fantastic Valentine’s Day! I know that the students had a blast on Friday at their last holiday party. They were able to play games, pass out Valentines and eat some yummy snacks. Thank you to all our amazing room moms for the awesome parties that were planned this year. The kids had a lot of fun and enjoyed them all!
Here is a short list of what is happening in 5B over the next two weeks…
Students have been moved around into new reading groups. We will be focusing on summarizing text, fluency and comprehension. Ask your student what their book topic is!
We have finally finished our whole class novel Schooled. Students are currently working on a final assessment for the book. They are recreating a book jacket for the story which includes a summary, character analysis and personal opinion of the story. This assessment will be due at the end of the week (2/19).
Be on the lookout for our next class novel!
Last week the students finished their Mystery Writing. I am busy reading all the student’s stories. Be on the lookout for their graded writing by the end of the week.
We will begin a civil rights writing assignment early next week.
Student's spelling and vocabulary grades will be going home tomorrow. I am concerned that many students are not taking these tests seriously. They have 13 days to memorize 10 words. Please remember to study with your students nightly. Just taking 5 minutes each night to study 2-3 words can really positively effect grades. Spellingcity.com and quizlet.com are also great websites to help the students study- see the homepage to find links to these great resources!
We are fully submerged in geometry for Unit 6! This unit is vocabulary heavy, so please study with your student at home. All the vocabulary words they need to know are in their math notebooks.
Social Studies:
What were some reasons why people explored and settled in new lands? What are the challenges in establishing and maintaining new land? These are some of the essential questions the students will be exploring in our new social studies unit. Take a look at the social studies tab for more information on this unit and how the students will be assessed.
Science Fair- Please make sure that if your student has not brought their procedures to school to be approved by a teacher, they do so tomorrow, Tuesday the 16th. If their procedure has not been approved by a 5th grade teacher, they should not have started their experiment!!
Please remind students to place their SIGNED reading/math logs in their home folders! I have many students who have yet to turn in a reading long this quarter resulting in extremely low grades. If your student misplaces their log you can find a replacement log under the ELA tab on the website.
I am constantly uploading new pictures on the website! Make sure you take a look at all the fun things we do in 5th grade. Do you have pictures you wish to add to the website? Send them to me at: ableidorn@y115.org
Reminder: The student’s next book report is due Feb. 24th. Students cannot use the same book or type of project, so be creative!!
As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Have a great rest of your day off!
~Miss Bleidorn