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Welcome to 5th Grade!

Dear Fifth Graders and Families,

Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer and had a chance to relax and enjoy the weather. I wanted to take a moment and introduce myself to those who I have not yet met and give you an idea of the year ahead.

My name is Alyssa Bleidorn and this is my fifth year teaching at Grande Reserve. My this is my fourth year teaching 5th grade. I cannot wait to teach fifth grade again this year and have your child in my class!

I am confident that the year ahead will be a successful and enjoyable adventure for all of us! I usually write blog posts 1-2 times a month to keep you updated on the most important assignments, topics and events. Here are a few things that you need to know prior to curriculum night (bear with me, this is the longest post I will write...) Some of this information was listed on the letter I sent home on the second day, but just in case you did not see that paper, here is the information again.


I believe that communication between home and school is very important. The best way to contact me is through email or sending a note to school with your child. You can also call and leave me a voicemail during school hours. I will try to be as prompt as possible with your response. This year I will be using Remind 101. A worksheet walking you through the app will be sent home. In the mean time, you can sign up using this link:


There are very few times when homework will be assigned. However, I HIGHLY encourage students to read and practice their math facts each night. This being the case, when homework is assigned I expect it to be turned in on time. If excessive missing homework becomes an issue, I will contact home and we can create a plan to ensure missing work is accomplished.


Grade Reserve runs on an “A, B, C, D” schedule. Our schedule is as follows:

A days: No Special,Library Checkout

B days: Art

C days: Music

D days: ILT (Information and Literacy Technology)

Please make sure that GRES library books are coming back to school so that they can get new ones on our library day.


We will have snack once a day in the afternoon. Please make sure to send a healthy snack and water. Most chips, candy, and pop are not allowed during this time. I would ask that those be saved for lunch time. Great options could include, but are not limited to, vegetables, crackers, cheese, fruit or popcorn. Water bottles should have a twist/pop top so that they do not leak if they fall. Please remember district policies: no birthday treats allowed. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


There will be a number of times when your 5th grader will be presenting a project they have worked on. We would love it if you could come and see all the hard work they put into it! Keep an eye out for more information on upcoming events!

**Also please note: you will be asked to scan your driver’s license each time you enter the building and all visitors are required to wear a visitors badge when in the building.**

Work and notes for home:

Each child will have an assignment notebook to write nightly homework in if they choose. I will be keeping a classroom google calendar with important dates as well. I will send out a link for this calendar soon so that you and your child can be on the same page. By using a calendar it is a great way for your student to develop good organizational skills and be responsible! Please make it a habit to check take-home folders nightly for additional notes and communication from school.


Please write a note if there will be a change in your child’s transportation for the day. This is a district policy and we have to adhere to it for safety purposes.


We have P.E. every day at 3:05. Please make sure your child has gym shoes at school. Also, our classroom tends to be chilly. I suggest having your child bring an extra sweater to school so that they can use it as needed.

Chrome Books:

Students will have their own Chromebooks again this year. Please make sure that they are charging their Chromebook nightly and bringing them back to school each day! Each student is responsible for their own Chromebook so make sure they are safe!

I look forward to working with each and every one of you. By working together (parents, students, and teachers) we will have a wonderful school year! Again, please feel free to contact me with questions, comments, or any concerns you may have throughout the year.


Miss Bleidorn

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