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Is Winter Over Yet?!

Hello 5B Families!

Is winter over yet?! I feel like the snow is never ending! These kids need to get outside for recess already!! Only 33 day until spring break…not that any students are counting...or teachers...

Here is an update on what is going on in 5th grade:

  • About a month ago I send an invitation via Google Classroom to all parents/guardians. By accepting the invitation you will be able to choose to have either daily or weekly summaries via email. Within these summaries you can see missing work, graded work, upcoming work and class activity. This is a great way to stay in the loop when it comes to your student’s assignments that are done online! If you are unable to find the original invite email, please let me know and I will be happy to resend it to you. This is the first time that I have used Google Classroom, so please be patient with me as I work out the bugs. :)

  • Our Outdoor Education Field Trip is Wednesday, February 27th. Please make sure that your 5th grader is dressed for the weather, whatever that may be (snow gear, hiking shoes, boots, hats, rain jacket, etc.). This field trip is 100% outside. Please make sure to also send a sack lunch. Cold lunch is available to purchase if needed as well.

  • We are in need of more wet wipes for the classroom! If you are able to donate to our room we would all appreciate it!

  • Please continue to have your child give you their home folder so that you can see graded work, important information and homework. Feel free to also check either their assignment notebook or Google calendar for important information and due dates! I am working on also sharing out our 5th grade classroom calendar to families as well (as soon as I learn how to do so!)


  • We are currently finishing up our civil rights novel studies. The students really enjoyed reading one of 4 novels about characters who persevered and stood up for what they believed in! I am impressed with the discussions we had in groups and how much knowledge they learned. Ask your child what book they read along with a brief summary!

  • Skills we are currently working on: text structure, author’s purpose and plot structure


  • Our next two writing assignments will focus on informational and opinion writing. We will be discussing how to find credible information and how to quote other’s work while giving them credit.


  • Students continue to have 2 weeks to learn their 10 vocabulary words and how to use them in the real world. Tests are always the second Friday after receiving their words. Contracts are also due on the day of the test. Please make sure your students are studying their words at home!

Social Studies:

  • Our next social studies unit topic is natural resources. We will be learning about the different types of natural resources, where they are located and the buying and selling of them.

Science Fair:

  • Please make sure you are encouraging your child to start their project as soon as both the front and back page is signed off by me. Try not to wait until the last minute to finish the project… saving it for Spring Break can cause unnecessary stress in a time that should be relaxing! Please make sure that you are checking our class website and using the resources provided.



  • We are currently working on multiplying and dividing fractions (unit 6 and 7). Please make sure you are working on math facts at home. The more fluent students are with math facts, the easier time they will have!

  • Our future units include: volume, geometry, measurement conversions and order of operations.

  • With our state and MAPS testing quickly approaching, we have been working hard on introducing new units at the beginning of math each day. Each day students have 15 minutes to work on one problem (10 minutes to solve, 5 minutes to tell why/how they solved the problem). These problems are rigorous, are force students to visualize and explain their thinking. This is a challenge for many students. Each day focuses on a different unit. For example: Measurement Monday, Algebra Tuesday, Open Middle Wednesday (problems that can have more than one answer), Geo Thursday and Fraction Friday. Please ask your students to see their morning warm up packet!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me!

Miss Bleidorn

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