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What is WOV?!


In 5th grade we do not do spelling words (insert student cheers here). Instead, we focus on vocabulary. Students will be studying Greek and Latin roots. The goal of these vocabulary lists is to not only build the students' vocabulary, but to also provide them with skills to decode words they do not know. We began this program this week. It is called Words on the Vine or WOV.

How Does it Work?

WOV is a 2 week process.

On Monday of the first week, students will be given a new list of 10 words and will work independently to match the words with the definitions. They will use an online dictionary to match the words with their definitions.

On Tuesday, as a whole class, we will go over the definitions and give examples. Students can copy down the definitions off the presentation I create on note cards, or can create original definitions in their own words, pictures, or sentences. Whatever works for them to truly understand the meaning of the words.

Between that first Monday and Friday of week 2, (14 days), students will work to earn 20 'points' by doing various activities in order to practice the words. This includes sentences, illustrations, cross words, etc. This is called their 'contract'. They will always receive this contract on the Tuesday of the first week. The students are able to choose which activities they wish to complete- as long as they equal 20 points. This 20 point contract is due Friday of the second week- the same day as their test. Please make sure that you sign their contract!!

On the Friday of week 2, students will take their WOV test. This test is set up as a multiple choice fill in the blank format. It will use each word in a sentence. Any student who doesn't pass the test (70% or higher), will need to complete the retake process.

The student's first test will be on September 11th.


In order for a student to do a WOV retake, they will receive a reflection sheet stapled to their test that they must fill out, sign, have parents sign, and return to me. The student will then need to study their words for 10 minutes on three separate days. When they have done so, and are ready to retake the test, they need to schedule the retake with me (during silent reading is always best!). The reason I have students schedule with me instead of parents is that it puts ownership and responsibility on the students. Students also know their schedule and comfort level better than anyone else and know the best time for them to retake.

Once the retake is scheduled and finished, that school will be updated in the gradebook.


There may be some times where students are able to work on WOV, but it is not consistent. They also have the option of working on their contract during WIN time or if they finish any work early. If it does not get finished at school, it will be homework.


No fear! Each child is set up on Quizlet- an online website that has all their words and definitions listed. They can find all their words right there, on any device.

Please let me know if you have any further questions. This was all explained to the students yesterday, so they should know the expectations!

Have a great rest of your night,

Miss Bleidorn



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