An Update on 5B
With only a few weeks left of quarter 3 and spring break in sight, I wanted to send out an update on all things 5B!
General Announcements:
Our Outdoor Ed 'field trip’ has been rescheduled for Monday, March 8th. We will be outside on the GRES grounds for one hour. Please make sure your child has appropriate clothing for this adventure (plus shoes that can get muddy). A list of suggestions on what to wear will be sent home as well.
Scholastic book orders have been sent home. If interested please order online!
Reminder: Students almost always have math homework on Wednesdays. Please ensure that your child is completing it and putting it in their home folder.
At the end of every day, students will write their homework assignments down in either their assignment notebook or computer calendar. I sign them as well. I highly encourage you to have them show you this each night to ensure they have their work completed.
This week we are finishing up our informational writing piece! We have been working hard on researching our topics, putting them in our own words, and explaining. Be on the lookout for these completed papers coming home soon.
After one more informational piece, our next writing topic is persuasive writing.
Our next few math units are quick ones! We will be taking tests more often. Be on the lookout for study guides and extra practice. Our next two units are multiplying fractions and dividing fractions.
Students should continue to practice their math facts at home!
Word on the Vine (Vocabulary)
Since the beginning of the year, students have always had two weeks to study their 10 vocabulary words. I have noticed that many haven’t been doing so well on quizzes because they have not been studying. An extra reminder to study these words may be needed!
On Thursday we will have an ELA test covering theme and figurative language. We have been practicing these topics A LOT. Students will be completing a study guide in class and can use it to study.
We will be starting another novel study soon! Required pages will be listed in Google Classroom for all students to see.
We have been reading an amazing book, Because of Mr. Terupt. Ask about it!
Click HERE to see the science fair timeline. This was also sent home.
Please remember that experiments need to be COMPLETED by March 29th. If projects are not completed by this date recess will be utilized for an alternative project.
Social Studies
Next week we will be starting a natural resources mini-unit.