An Update on 5B
With only a few weeks left of quarter 3 and spring break in sight, I wanted to send out an update on all things 5B! General...

Quarter Two: We are almost through with you!
Hello 2021 and hello 5B Families! Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful winter break and are ready to tackle a new year. Here...

One Week Left of Quarter One!
Wow, I am so shocked how quick quarter one has gone! We have had a blast this quarter getting to know each other and doing some fun...

Halfway Through Quarter One!
Hello 5B Families! Can you believe we are halfway through quarter one?! The students have been extremely flexible and resilient through...
What is WOV?!
Parents, In 5th grade we do not do spelling words (insert student cheers here). Instead, we focus on vocabulary. Students will be...
What is WOV?!
Parents, In 5th grade we do not do spelling words (insert student cheers here). Instead, we focus on vocabulary. Students will be...

Quarter 2: Let's do this!
Hi 5B Families! It was so great meeting you all at parent teacher conferences! This year has been a blast so far, and I see a lot of...

Welcome to 5th Grade!
Dear Fifth Graders and Families, Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer and had a chance to relax...

Were on the home stretch!
WOW! Can you believe it is the 4th quarter already!? This year has really flown by! I am so impressed with all the hard work and effort...

Is Winter Over Yet?!
Hello 5B Families! Is winter over yet?! I feel like the snow is never ending! These kids need to get outside for recess already!! Only...