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Were on the home stretch!

WOW! Can you believe it is the 4th quarter already!? This year has really flown by! I am so impressed with all the hard work and effort that everyone had put in during the 3rd quarter! The 3rd quarter is always a challenging time of year with the science fair. I wanted to take a minute and thank everyone for their hard work and time that was put into it. We truly believe, as a grade level, that the science fair is a great opportunity for students to step out of their box and participate in a hands on learning experience that can inspire further learning or interests. So again, THANK YOU!!

Here is a little update on what we are doing over the next few weeks...


  • We are continuing to read current event articles! Everyone really enjoys reading about events that are happening currently so that they can be in the know. Every Friday we then have a discussion about the article they read. These articles are chosen by students. This week Eva chose an article about finding baby dinosaur fossils!

  • Next week we will begin a whole class novel study. The book we will be reading is called Because of Mr. Terupt. This novel is a bit heavy and will really make the students think. It is a fabulous book and I really think they will love it!

Words on the Vine:

  • A new set of words was introduced on Monday! The students have their test next Friday, 4/19. Contracts are no longer required, but students know they should be studying for the full two weeks.

  • If a retake is needed, it is the students job to come speak to me and schedule their retake.


  • We are currently finishing up our informative writing pieces. Students were able to choose a topic they were interested in and wanted to learn more about. These writing pieces are due Monday 4/15. I encouraged all students to take it home and have someone read through it with them before then!

  • Our next writing piece is an opinion piece. Students will have to reason and find evidence that their opinion is valid.


  • We have been previewing/reviewing material that the students may see on their IAR and MAPS tests. I am been very impressed with how quickly they are picking up the concepts! Next week we will be reviewing dividing fractions and preparing for that unit test. Following this unit will be the measurement conversions unit. We have already previewed this unit, so we will be moving a bit quicker than usual.

Social Studies:

  • We are currently learning about native american lives in the past and present, and how they have changed and adapted over the years.


  • Our last science unit has a full problem based learning approach. We will be learning about Mars and critically thinking about life on the red planet. In addition, on April 26th we will be headed to Joliet Junior College Planetarium to learn more about Mars. Permission slips will be sent home soon. At the end of this unit there will be a presentation. Be on the lookout for an invite at the end of April/begining of May!

Thank you for your continued support. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me!

Miss Bleidorn

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