March Madness in 5B
Hello everyone! Here is a short list of what is happening in 5B over the next two weeks. There is a lot going on in our room, so please make sure to check your students assignment notebook and the website each night.
Science Fair- DATA AND RESULTS ARE DUE THURSDAY THE 3rd! Please have your student bring in their data to class. We will talk about analyzing data in class as well as making charts to show their findings.
Make sure that your student has a tri-fold poster for their presentation!
We are currently learning more about Civil Rights through short articles. The students seem to really be interested in this topic!
We are continuing to work on comprehension and main idea within our reading groups.
Students will have their next reading unit test on Thursday, the 3rd. The students will be tested on text structure, point of view, problem/solution and authors purpose.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, it is important to know how to respectfully voice it. Over the next few weeks we will be working on just that. Students will be writing their own opinion pieces based on the topic of Saturday school.
Today the students had a first look at their new vocabulary words. Tomorrow we will be talking about the words and will make notecards. Please remember to study nightly with your student! Their spelling/definition tests really affect their grades! Their test will take place on March 11th.
Unit 6 tests went home today. Please sign the test and return it to school. I am so proud of the students; they did very well!
Unit 7 focuses on measuring. This is a difficult unit. If possible, please have your student bring a ruler to school that has both inches and centimeters on it. I have some extra rulers if need be.
Social Studies:
Students are finishing up their social studies projects this week! Ask your student what project they choose to complete. A copy of the rubric can be found under our social studies tab.
Please remind students to place their SIGNED reading/math logs in their home folders! I have many students who have yet to turn in a reading long this quarter resulting in extremely low grades. If your student misplaces their log you can find a replacement log under the ELA tab on the website.
I am constantly uploading new pictures on the website! Make sure you take a look at all the fun things we do in 5th grade. Do you have pictures you wish to add to the website? Send them to me at:
Dates to Remember:
No school Friday, March 4th.
The student’s last book report is due May 4th!
Science Fair: March 17th
~Miss Bleidorn