Happy Spring!
Hello Spring!
Whether you stayed home in Yorkville, or traveled to find warmth or the beach, I hope everyone had a fantastic spring break!! Here is what is coming up within the next two weeks in 5B:
Important Info:
** Science Fair was a huge success! Thank you for all your patience and help during this time. I was very impressed with the student's work. Take a look at the student work tab to see some of the final boards!
**PARCC testing starts next week! Please make sure that your student gets a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy, filling breakfast! Our testing dates are as follows:
Thursday, April 7th
Wednesday, April 13th
Tuesday, April 19th
Tuesday, April 26th
**If your student has not brought in their favorite recipe, please make sure they do so as soon as possible!
**We are running low on tissues, antibacterial wipes and pencils. If you could donate any of these items for the classroom, that would be much appreciated!
We are finishing up Unit 7 this week. This unit involves analyzing conversion word problems and area/perimeter. This unit is challenging, so students are encouraged to practice at home! Be on the lookout for a study guide later this week.
Before break the students preformed skits to the class. We focused on fluency and reading with expression. The students did an amazing job!
We are currently working on creating short and concise summaries; as well as finding the main idea and supporting details of different articles.
The students will be starting a novel study within the next week. Keep an eye out for the title of the book!
The students received their new vocab words yesterday. Their test will be Friday, April 8th. Please make sure the students are studying the meaning of the words, as well as the spelling each night. Students can use spellingcity.com or quizlet.com to help them study at home! If you need a copy of the words please take a look at the ELA tab.
Some schools are thinking about having mandatory Saturday school. As you can imagine, the students have a very strong opinion on this topic. The students are currently researching if this is a good or bad idea for our district. They will be writing a letter to Mr. Shimp, our superintendent, explaining their opinion.
Social Studies:
Students are currently learning what it was like living back in the Colonial Days. What jobs did they do? What challenges did they face? What was a normal day like?
Have a great night!
Miss B