Keep Pushing Through!
The end is near!!! After the student's double PARCC testing tomorrow we will only have one more test to go. The last test will be Monday, 2nd. I am so proud of the students and how hard they are working. Keep up the great work :)
The next two weeks will be a crazy busy one!
Important Notes:
The students final book report is due May 5th. Please make sure that your student comes to school that day prepared and ready to present!
Reading Logs are due each Monday. Please make sure that your student hands you their log to be signed. This is a reading grade and can greatly effect their grade!
GRES will be doing an end of the year alphabet countdown! This starts May 2nd. More information will be sent home soon.
Once PARCC testing dies down we will be taking our spring MAPS tests. Our class is scheduled to take the tests Monday, May 9th and Friday, May 13th.
We are out of tissues....again..... If you can spare a box or two our allergies would appreciate it!!!
Next Friday (5/6) we will have the opportunity to test a brand new program through Google. Through Google Expedition the students will be put into a virtual reality where they will visit the moon!
This year the state of Illinois is requiring all 5th grade students to take a science assessment. This test will be taken in May. Specific dates/times have not been chosen at this point. When I have this information I will send it out to everyone.
Today we started a new math unit! We will begin learning how to plot points and how to find the mean, median, mode and range. This will be a quick unit!
The students received their math Unit 8 tests back today. Please take a look at their score, sign it, and have them return it back to me ASAP.
The students have a vocab worksheet for homework today. It is very simple and should not take more than 10 minutes. Once they turn in their worksheet tomorrow they will receive their new words for the next two weeks.
If you are reading this, thank you! Write me a note saying you saw this and your student will receive a treat.
Please make sure that your student is studying their words at home! The scores have been a bit scary lately. We do practice using the words at school, but extra practice really does help.
We are putting the finishing touches on our persuasive letter about Saturday school! Feel free to have your student bring home their work so that you can edit it. An extra editor never hurts!
Our newest science unit is in full swing! We are working on a project having to do with the moon and a lunar outpost. Take a look at the science tab for more information.
Ask your student about the awesome learning activity we did in class today!
It is all about the moon for the next two weeks! Students will be reading stories and articles having to do with the moon and space. Any research, books, articles or movies read/watched at home would greatly help your student!
Thank you for all the help and support this year! As always, feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns or accomplishments!
Have a great night, and GO HAWKS!
Miss Bleidorn