Hello Soon to be 6th Grade families!
Can you believe there are only 13 days left of school? This year has flown by!
I wanted to take a second to thank everyone for making teacher appreciation week so special. All the gifts and notes were so thoughtful. As a first year teacher I was so impressed with the PTO, families, and everything that was set up for us. Thank you all again :)
All standardized testing is officially over! The students did great, and are thrilled that they are done for the year.
Here are a few things you need to know about the next two weeks of school:
We are currently working on Unit 10. This unit is the beginning of algebra! Some sections are easier than others, but the students seem to be picking it up pretty easily. Study guides for this unit will go home next week. Keep an eye out for them.
Starting Monday we will be participating in an activity called Math Merchants with the other 5th grade classes. More information will follow!
The student’s very last vocab test will be this Friday the 20th. Please encourage the students to study their words at home.
Spellingcity.com and quizlet.com are easy websites to use to get in extra practice. Students also have flashcards that we made in class last week!!
We have begun a very creative unit learning about inventions! In class we have been reading about the history of some every day inventions. Today the students were informed that they will be re-inventing something that they have been using since they arrived at GRES- lockers! Using what we have learned about successful inventions and companies, students will create a unique locker design, company, company logo and slogan.
Similar to the TV show Shark Tank, students will present their invention to a panel of ‘investors’. This is where we need your help! We would love to have any parents that are able to come in on the afternoon of June 1st, to be a part of the Shark Tank! However, please don’t tell your students about this. I want the investors (YOU!) to be a surprise.
Students will give a short presentation about their product hoping that they will receive ‘money’ from you to start their company. This is a fun end of the year project that the students have been working very hard on. We would love to have you in 5B for the afternoon. Please contact me if you are interested! Specific details will follow.
Social Studies:
Students have begun learning about the American Revolution. On Monday I created a tax simulation to show the students what it was like when the colonists were taxed long ago. Ask your student about it and what they learned!