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Welcome to the 3B Blog!

Hello Parents! Welcome to the 3B website! This site will be the go-to place to find all information and resources pertaining to your 3rd grader. I try to update the homework section and calendar daily, and will send out blog posts every 2/3 weeks. My goal is to always keep families in the loop when it comes to what is happening in our classroom. Important Things To Remember:

  • Picture day is this Friday, September 16!

  • Please continue to turn in box tops for our school!

  • Reading and spelling homework is due every Friday

  • Scholastic Book Order Forms went home last week. If you wish to order online our class code is P7R7M. Orders are due by September 28th!

  • The Fox Trot Walk-a-Thon Fundraiser is Friday, September 30th. Information went home today on how you can help our school!

What are we doing in class? Social Studies: The 7 continents make up our earth and are all very unique. We are currently studying the continents, the people and their cultures, what the weather is like, which animals live there and much more! For this unit the students will be completing an at home ancestor assignment. Be on the lookout for more information! Math: We are currently reviewing telling time and practicing elapsed time. We have been working on this since the beginning of the year. Elapsed time may be difficult for your child, so extra practice at home is always encouraged! Their first unit test will be at the end of the week. A study guide will be sent home soon. Writing: Over the past week we have been reviewing how to write a paragraph. The students created a paragraph about the beach! We will continue to practice on the mechanics of paragraphs. Language: We will continue learning the different parts of speech. Last week the students brought home homework pertaining to adjectives. They had to choose adjectives that described them. This week we will create adjective mobiles! Spelling: Spelling Tests are every Friday! Please continue to practice your student's weekly spelling words with them. Each week they have mandatory homework due on Friday's! Reading: Reading logs will be due each Friday. Please ensure that you have signed your child's reading log and that they return it each Friday. Reading each night is valuable to your children's education, so please urge them to read! They can read books, magazines, articles, blogs; the possibilities are endless! This year we will be focusing a lot on AR. AR is a reading computerized program that tests comprehension. Students select books on their reading level and take an independent comprehension test on the computer. Each book is worth a certain number of points based on its length and reading level. Your children know what reading level color they can choose from. If you are interested in knowing your child's specific reading level, please don't hesitate to contact me. Each time they visit the library they must choose at least one book at their reading level. We are full swing into our reading groups! Students will be working on daily 5 activities when not meeting with me. Reading groups are grouped based on student reading levels. We will be working on main details and supporting details.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me!

Miss Bleidorn

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