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Happy Fall!

Hello Families!

With less than two weeks left of the first quarter we are very busy in 3B! Here is what we will be accomplishing the remainder of the quarter:

  • Interested in helping out within our classroom? We would love to have you! Please let me know if you are interested and we can work out days and times.

  • There will be a change in the student's lunch schedule. Starting next week the students will be going to recess first, then lunch. The times will remain the same.

  • Our classroom Halloween party is coming up soon! Please remember that students are allowed to bring costumes to school. However, they are not allowed to wear masks or any face makeup. Our school parade begins at 2 and the room parties begin at 2:30. If you are interested in seeing the parade you may line up in the bus line!

  • Scholastic Book Order Forms went home two weeks ago. If you wish to order online our class code is P7R7M. The deadline is soon, so do not wait!

  • Our new Pearson Math Resource is now available! Logins were sent home last week. When logging in please remember to access Pearson through the Y115 website. The student's username is their ID number followed by

What are we doing in Class?


Please remember to practice spelling with your student each week! Spelling homework is due on Fridays.


We are currently learning about the weather! Each day we analyze the current weather and learn about why/how it happens. Please take some time to observe the weather in the evening and even watch The Weather Channel. The kids are really enjoying this unit!


We are almost through unit two! The students will be taking their Unit 2 test next week. This unit focuses on place value, rounding, comparing numbers and writing numbers in expanded, standard and written form. Take a look at Pearson for additional information and activities. Our next unit will focus on addition and subtraction.


The students are full swing into reading groups! Last week we talked about fluency and what it means to be a fluent reader. Starting next week the students will have weekly fluency homework that they must complete with an adult. They have received a folder with short stories in them. Each week, on Tuesdays, students will take home their folder. With an adult, they are to read as much of the passage as they can within a minute. The adult is then to mark off how much they have read and which words they did not correctly read. They then record the amount of words read on their chart. This homework should take no more than 5 minutes and must be returned no later than Friday. More detailed instructions are within your students fluency folder.

If you are reading this, send me a quick email or note to let me know that you read my blog post! Your student will then get a special treat (and will thank you later!!).


This week we are starting our OUCH writing. The students will be writing about a time where they were hurt. This can include a crazy story about a time they crashed their bike and broke their arm, or as simple as a time someone hurt their feelings. We will be focusing on using plot sequence to tell a story.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Miss Bleidorn

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