We are halfway there!
Welcome to the second half of 3rd grade!

Important Information:
Congrats to those students who beat their AR goal for the month of December! Keep up the amazing work!!!
Our Cocoa talk is this Friday in the GRES cafeteria! The students have been working hard to read and prepare their descriptions of the books they read. If you wish to attend please send me an email. Pink volunteer forms were sent home Tuesday. Please return them if you are able to help make our event one to remember!
Next week is our annual winter fest! Please stop by to view your student's art, visit the book fair and play some fun games!.
Scholastic book order forms are sent out each month. If you wish to purchase books for your students please either send the order form to school with your student or order online. Our class code is P7R7M.
Interested in helping out in our classroom? We are currently in need of parent volunteers to help us level our library books! Please send me an email if you are interested.
Third grade is taking a field trip to the Sandwich Opera House! We will be seeing a play about the life of Abe Lincoln. Please ensure you sign and return the permission slip (sent home today) so that your student may attend!
Don't forget to send in your box tops!!!!
We are currently working on geometry! This unit is heavy in vocabulary, and the students have flashcards to help them study. I encourage everyone to take the cards home to practice. Our test will be next week!
Please continue to practice math facts with your student! They are extremely beneficial and will only help them for their future math classes.
Our next math unit will be focusing on fractions!
We are beginning our big project for the year- our Biography and Wax museum! Yesterday the students brought home an informational paper explaining the project and who they have chosen to research. This project is primarily done at school. However, if you wish to do some extra reading with your student at home, that would be great and would only benefit them!
We are continuing to work on cause and effect during our second quarter. This concept can be challenging for many 3rd graders.
Please continue to have your student read and fill out their reading logs weekly. If you happen to lose their reading log there is a link under the ELA tab for you to print a new one!
We will be creating an opinion piece in class! Students will learn how to formulate their own opinion and give facts to support it as well! Keep an eye out for their final drafts. In my opinion, their writing will be amazing because they worked so hard!
We are learning about animal's life cycles and traits. We will be dissecting owl pellets as an experiment. The students always seem to enjoy this unit!
As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!