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Welcome to the 4th quarter!

Can you believe your students are ONE quarter away from being a 4th grader!? Where has the time gone?

**Special shout out to all the students for doing an AMAZING job on their biography projects! They worked so hard on this project and it truly showed. Thank you to to everyone who was able to come in to support the students at the wax museum. It was a great time! **

Here is what is happening in 3B over the next month:

  • Report cards from quarter 3 are online. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

  • PARCC testing begins this week. Below are the following dates and times students will be testing. Please make a strong effort to have your students on time and in class on testing days. Gum will be provided at each testing session. Please let me know if your child can not have the gum.

  • Monday, March 20th- Math 1 test from 12:15-1:30

  • Tuesday, March 21st- ELA 1 test from 8:45-10:35 and Math 2 test from 12:15-1:30

  • Wednesday, March 22nd- ELA 2 test from 8:45-10:20

  • Thursday, March 23- Math 3 test from 12:15-1:30

  • Tuesday, April 4th- ELA 3 from 8:45-10:35

  • Wednesday, April 5th- Math 4 from 12:15-1:30

  • Monday, April 10th- Field Test from 1:00-2:50

  • Interested in helping out in the classroom? Click the link below to sign up! We would love to have you.---

  • Please continue to send in box tops. The money really helps our school.

  • Scholastic book order forms are sent out each month. If you wish to purchase books for your students please either send the order form to school with your student or order online. Our class code is P7R7M. Every purchase through scholastic earns our classroom free books. This year we have earned 46 books! Wahoo!

  • Third grade will be taking a field trip to Hoover on 4/19. Permission slips and information will be going home soon.


  • We are currently working on area and perimeter! The students learned parts of this unit last year, so they are really excited. This unit will be using a lot of addition and multiplication facts, which will be great review for PARCC tests.

  • Please continue to practice math facts with your student! They are extremely beneficial and will only help them for their future math classes.

  • Our next math unit will be focusing on measuring volume, mass and length! Our final unit focuses on interpreting data.


  • Please continue to have your student read and fill out their reading logs weekly. If you happen to lose their reading log there is a link under the ELA tab for you to print a new one!

  • Each month the students set a goal of how many books they will read and pass in their level. Please ask your student what their goal is this month and how close they are to beating it.

  • For our last final writing assessment we will be writing personal narratives.

  • Please continue to work with your student on their spelling words.

Social Studies:

  • This unit will focus on Native American tribes in Illinois, settlers who established communities in Illinois and values of the settlers.


  • This unit will focus on forces and interactions. We will be doing many experiments that they will love!!

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Miss Bleidorn

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