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Quarter Two- Let's do it!

WOW! Can you believe that quarter one is done!? The students have really grown over a short period of time. We have accomplished so much and have grown so much smarter!

Here is what is happening in 5B for the month of November!

Quarter 1 report cards are available online. Along with final grades, you can see your child's individual grades on Eschool as well. If you are having a hard time logging in or navigating through the website, please let either the office staff or me know so we can assist you.

It is starting to get cold outside! Please make sure that you are sending your students to school in appropriate outside gear! With that being said, make sure your student also has gym shoes for PE.

Please continue to send in box tops and plastic lids/caps. The money raised through these two fundraisers really help our school.

Scholastic book order forms are sent out each month. If you wish to purchase books for your students either send the order form to school or order online. Our class code is P7R7M. Every purchase though scholastic earns our classroom free books. **Want to order books for Christmas? Let me know and it will be our secret!**

Social Studies: As we are finishing up our explorers unit, the students were assigned a famous explorer that they have to research. Once they have gathered information on the explorers expeditions, the students will get creative! Using facts, the students have to write 'post cards' back to the explorers home country and explain how their trip is going outlining the struggles and accomplishments they made!

Science: The scientific method is often difficult for many to understand. This year the students will be doing A LOT of mini projects and activities to better understand the method just in time for our science fair in the spring! Don't worry- you have a few months until that begins. ;)

Math: Our unit two math test will be Tuesday, November 14th. Study guides went home this weekend. Tomorrow will be our review day. Exit slips will be sent home tomorrow as well. Look over these exit slips with your student to help them study!! Once we are finished, our next unit is fractions! (Insert student moans and groans here). **Please make sure you are practicing math facts at home!!!!**

Writing: I am so impressed with the students first writing assignment- their personal narrative! Their final graded project will be sent home tomorrow. Consider having your child read their story out loud at dinner or before bed! They are fantastic!

Reading: As a class we are reading about stories where the characters make a plan in order to accomplish tasks that they have faced. This same topic transfers over to the stories we are reading in reading groups. We have been focusing on how to inference, theme and character traits. Students will be taking the Unit 2 Reading test later this week!

Vocabulary: Please make sure that your students are studying their vocabulary words at home! They have two weeks to learn 10 words and complete 20 points worth on their contract. Lost or forgot their words at home? No worries! All words AND definitions are on

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me!

Miss Bleidorn

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