WOW...Quarter 4 Already?!
Last quarter we worked really hard on two major projects- the Revolution Museum and Science fair. I was impressed with the effort and how much everyone learned. These were challenging projects and many students stepped up to the plate and knocked one out of the park! As our year comes to an end, we will be participating in a few more fun activities that you can participate in! Be on the lookout for more information soon!
WE ARE IN NEED OF SUPPLIES! We are running low on tissues, glue sticks, wet wipes and paper towels. If you are able to donate any of these items to the classroom, we would all appreciate it!!
AR goals have been set and the students are being challenged!! They have large goals for the final quarter. The reward is a pizza party! They have until the second to last week of school to complete their goals. Ask your student what their goal is and encourage them to read each night!
Scholastic book order forms are sent out each month. If you do not receive these order forms you can see the books online as well. If you wish to purchase books for your student either send the order form to school or order online. Our class code is P7R7M. Every purchase though scholastic earns our classroom free books!
Science: Can Mars be a future home for earthlings? The students think so! We are learning all about the red planet for the next two weeks. What problems might humans face when creating a Martian outpost? We are identifying these problems and coming up with possible solutions. The students will be presenting their solutions to a NASA Scientist on Wednesday, April 18th. All are welcome! Stay tuned for specifics.
Math: As we finish up the end of the year, students will be learning about volume, area, perimeter, geometry, graphing and order of operations. We have briefly touched on all of these topics prior to PARCC, so students have prior knowledge on these topics. Once we complete all of these units, we will be learning about tax, and percentages off by creating our own businesses!
Writing: Our persuasive writing is due April 16th. Please take the time to proofread your child's paper. Our next writing piece will be a science fiction story using facts that the students have learned during our Mars unit.
Reading: To go along side our Mars unit, the students are reading nonfiction article about space and Mars. Within this reading we are discussing the main idea and supporting details. Following Mars we will be doing our final novel study. We will also be learning about inventions and starting a business.
Again, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me! Email always is easiest, but you can also give me a call at school. Students are at specials from 10:30-11:15 and I am almost always available during this time.