Hello Soon to be 6th Grade families!
Can you believe there are only 13 days left of school? This year has flown by! I wanted to take a second to thank everyone for making...
Keep Pushing Through!
The end is near!!! After the student's double PARCC testing tomorrow we will only have one more test to go. The last test will be...
Happy Spring!
Hello Spring! Whether you stayed home in Yorkville, or traveled to find warmth or the beach, I hope everyone had a fantastic spring...
March Madness in 5B
Hello everyone! Here is a short list of what is happening in 5B over the next two weeks. There is a lot going on in our room, so please...
Happy Valentines Day 5B!
Hello Families! I hope you had a fantastic Valentine’s Day! I know that the students had a blast on Friday at their last holiday party. ...
Welcome to the 5B Website!!
Hello Families! Welcome to my first website and blog post! This will be your go-to place to find all information pertaining to 5B! ...